Each Man Kills by Victoria Glad

Women in horror. Oh, boy. We talked about it way back in August and September. This story fits that trend very well. From the get go we are introduced to this romantic relationship, and quickly the story is spun into action due to Maria leaving for…
Sorry had to. Anyway. We also see a horror story written by a woman, Victoria Glad. So what I’m trying to say, but doing a poor job of, is that women are important here, but also it fills many of the stereotypes that horror women fall into. We can tell very early on that something isn’t right with Maria. That the situation with Tod isn’t right.

But then we see that it also subverts expectation.  Maria went with Tod of her own free will. Ultimately there is nothing our protagonist can do. That’s kind of what makes this story an interesting use of the tropes of Horror. While it’s far from being the first to play into horror tropes and then subvert them, it still remains interesting. Not that I feel it’s unique in how it does that, but in that it’s good to see any time when a woman comes into a genre and uses its tropes to make a story stronger for her. This story isn’t of a woman taken away by a bad man, but of a man discovering that there is more to a women than that of his interests in her.


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