I Live With You

I really enjoyed this story, even for how insanely creepy it is. My thought through the whole story was who this shadow person in her house really is. To start they talk in the second person, which is super odd, I dig it for this story but it really is very different. And at first it made me think that it was some kinda bug or something. Quickly that feeling changed though. I started wondering if it was an alien of some sort but it doesn’t seem that way because it looks like her. So, then I’ve got to wonder some more. Maybe it’s a creepy doppelganger. No. I eventually landed on the idea that it was her shadow. This thought intrigued me. I thought about how creepy it would be to have a sentient shadow like that. One that ran off and did things in the night. It even makes reference about how it hides low behind her entering the doorway, and that is also reinforced by how it makes a habit to hide in dark places. Ultimately I landed on this idea, but one other lay back in my mind. What if it’s her? What if it’s really just that she’s got a split personality that loses in the end. It’s the side of her that is more open, and extroverted, and in the end she finds a way to learn from the good parts of that side of her, and kick the rest out. Really odd story but I really enjoyed it.


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